3 research outputs found

    Do relationship transitions affect body weight? Evidence from German longitudinal data

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    Despite a considerable amount of empirical studies it is still unclear if changes in union status affect body weight. Using data from the first seven waves of the German Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (pairfam) project, the current study aims to discover if changes in relationship status lead to changes in body weight considering multiple union transitions with fixed-effects panel regression estimations. Results show that women lose weight within the first year of a relationship, and then gain weight after entering into a non-married cohabiting relationship. Men tend to gain weight from the beginning of the partnership. The results clearly show that the transition from non-married cohabitation to marriage has no significant effect on body weight.Trotz zahlreicher Studien gibt es derzeit immer noch keine gesicherten Erkenntnisse darüber, inwieweit partnerschaftliche Veränderungen Einfluss auf das Körpergewicht haben. Basierend auf den Daten der ersten sieben Wellen des deutschen Panels Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (pairfam) hat diese Studie das Ziel herauszufinden, ob Veränderungen des Beziehungsstatus zu einer Veränderung des Körpergewichts führen. Dabei werden verschiedene partnerschaftliche Übergänge mit Fixed-Effect Panel Regressionen betrachtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Frauen in dem ersten Jahr ihrer Beziehung Gewicht verlieren, dann aber an Gewicht zunehmen, wenn sie mit ihrem Partner zusammen ziehen. Männer hingegen tendieren von Beginn an ihrer Beziehung zu einer Gewichtszunahme. Die Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass der Übergang von einer nicht-ehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft zur Ehe keinen Effekt auf das Körpergewicht hat

    Codebook and documentation of the panel study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS) : Volume I: Introduction and overview. Wave 2 (2007/2008)

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    "The panel study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS), established by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), is a new dataset for labour market, welfare state and poverty research in Germany, creating a new empirical basis for the scientific community and for policy advice. This Datenreport provides an overview of the second survey wave, for which 12,487 individuals were interviewed in 8,429 households between December 2007 and July 2008. 10,114 individuals and 7,342 households were interviewed for the second time in the context of PASS. The spectrum of questions and the design of PASS are intended to close gaps in the existing stock of data. PASS has three main characteristics that extend analysis potential beyond that of the Federal Employment Agency's administrative data: 1. The panel takes the household context into account - including the situation before and after receipt of Unemployment Benefit II. 2. The panel is complete in that it covers all groups of persons and all employment biographies, not only people in dependent employment, unemployed people and those in need of assistance. The dataset also provides information on the status during phases of economic inactivity, self-employment or employment as civil servants. 3. The panel collects additional or significantly more detailed data on relevant characteristics such as attitudes, employment potential or job-search behaviour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) Additional Information Questionnaires of the second wave. Here you can find the German version. Further information about the panel study "Labour Market and Social Security".IAB-Haushaltspanel, Datengewinnung, Erhebungsmethode, Stichprobe, Panel - Methode, Datenaufbereitung

    Codebuch und Dokumentation des 'Panel Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung' (PASS) : Welle 2 (2007/2008)

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    "The panel study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS), established by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), is a new dataset for labour market, welfare state and poverty research in Germany, creating a new empirical basis for the scientific community and for policy advice. This "Datenreport" written in German provides an overview of the second survey wave, for which 12,487 individuals were interviewed in 8,429 households between December 2007 and July 2008. 10,114 individuals and 7,342 households were interviewed for the second time in the context of PASS. The spectrum of questions and the design of PASS are intended to close gaps in the existing stock of data. PASS has three main characteristics that extend analysis potential beyond that of the Federal Employment Agency's administrative data: 1. The panel takes the household context into account - including the situation before and after receipt of Unemployment Benefit II. 2. The panel is complete in that it covers all groups of persons and all employment biographies, not only people in dependent employment, unemployed people and those in need of assistance. The dataset also provides information on the status during phases of economic inactivity, self-employment or employment as civil servants. 3. The panel collects additional or significantly more detailed data on relevant characteristics such as attitudes, employment potential or job-search behaviour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) The english version of this "Datenreport" you can find here: http://fdz.iab.de/187/section.aspx/Publikation/k100607a04 Additional Information Hier finden Sie Band I des Datenreports: Einführung und Überblick Hier finden Sie Band II: Codebuch Haushaltsdatensatz Hier finden Sie Band III: Codebuch Personendatensatz Hier finden Sie Band IV: Codebuch Spelldaten, Registerdaten und Gewichte Fragebögen der 2. Welle Hier finden Sie die englische Version des Datenreports. Weitere Informationen zum Panel "Arbeitsmarkt und Soziale Sicherung".IAB-Haushaltspanel, Datengewinnung, Erhebungsmethode, Stichprobe, Panel - Methode, Datenaufbereitung